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Improve student retention with an efficient management system

Pilar Lacoste

Pilar Lacoste

Read time: 3 min

Students are a fundamental part of any school or studio. After all, without them, who would there be to teach, right? However, with the wide range of artistic academies available, attracting students has become much more competitive—and retaining them is even harder. So, how can you show your students that your institution has everything they need (and more)? The answer is simple: by using an efficient management software that meets their needs and offers an optimal experience 🙌🏼.

Improve students retention with a management software

For a business, it's sometimes not enough to offer a variety of classes, flexible schedules, competitive prices, or cool facilities. These things do matter, of course! But often, students consciously or unconsciously expect something more: personalized attention, a birthday greeting, and so on.

But, how can you cover so many areas and still offer the best experience to your students? Implementing an efficient management software is a great solution.

Take Kydemy's management software, for example. It provides global school management with a range of features designed to give your students a unique experience—so unique that they won't want to go anywhere else.

Here are some of the key features Kydemy offers to help improve student retention at your school:

Ready to improve your business?

We are here to help you achieve your dreams. If you are interested in learning about our platform we will show it to you with no obligation! Just book a demo with us. During the demo we will analyze your needs and you will be able to solve all your doubts.

Access to all the information in one place

Access to all Information in one place

Students can log in to the platform via a web browser or the free mobile app to access their complete academic information. This includes the classes they’re enrolled in, the school’s global class offerings to request registration, details about payments and outstanding balances, messaging, digital class materials, and much more. Kydemy provides a seamless experience by organizing everything students need in an intuitive and easily accessible way.

Free mobile app

One of the most valued features by students of schools that use Kydemy is its free mobile app, fully integrated with the platform.

Through the app, students, teachers, and even family members can access information about courses, enrollments, class schedules, school communications, outstanding payments, school events, and more.

The app delivers a unique experience, allowing schools to connect with their students easily and instantly—24/7.

Online Payments

Online payments are here to stay. They surged during the pandemic and have become the fastest, most convenient, and secure way to pay.

Kydemy’s platform integrates with providers, like Stripe, to manage online payments without extra fees, saving students time by eliminating the need to visit the school in person every time they need to pay.

Online payments also bring multiple benefits to your school. Check out an article on this topic here.

24/7 access to exclusive digital content

Missed a class? Want to review the PDF presented in the session? No problem! With Kydemy’s platform and mobile app, students can access digital class content—such as videos, files, and links—as many times as they need.

Instant and personalized messaging

Communication with students and teachers must be smooth, fast, and effective. To achieve this, Kydemy offers an instant and personalized messaging system that allows students to easily contact teachers, administrators, or the school’s office.

Through the platform and app, students can go to “Messages” to send or receive messages from their instructors or school administrators.

Access to school events

Students can view all information about events organized by your school, browse offerings, sign up, and—if online payments are enabled—pay directly through Kydemy’s platform.

Birthday greetings

Your school will have access to a section listing the birthdays of students and teachers, enabling you to send a special gesture on their big day.

Pro Tips

  1. Stay informed about the best tools available to improve student retention.
  2. Conduct satisfaction surveys every 3–6 months to identify areas for improvement and successful initiatives to maintain.

Finally, implementing efficient management software is a smart way to improve student retention. It lets you address all these aspects through a single tool, saving you time, money, and the potential loss of students.

Don’t hesitate to learn more! Visit our website or request a free demo of Kydemy’s management software here.

Ready to improve your business?

We are here to help you achieve your dreams. If you are interested in learning about our platform we will show it to you with no obligation! Just book a demo with us. During the demo we will analyze your needs and you will be able to solve all your doubts.


Ready to improve your business?

We are here to help you achieve your dreams. If you are interested in learning about our platform we will show it to you with no obligation! Just book a demo with us. During the demo we will analyze your needs and you will be able to solve all your doubts.

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