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How to teach dance classes to children

Pilar Lacoste

Pilar Lacoste

Read time: 4 min

Dance represents one of the most comprehensive forms of expression, because it combines fun and physical activity, making it perfect for the little ones. It is a very practical way for boys and girls to become uninhibited and exercise. Teaching dance classes to children has specific considerations we need to keep in mind. Do you want to know what they are? We’ll tell you what you need to consider when teaching dance to children. Keep reading!

Kids dacing at the academy

How to teach dance classes to children

Children don’t need to have a clear inclination towards dance to enroll in dance classes. Through dancing, they will learn coordination and how to follow a musical rhythm, skills that will serve them for life.

Dance classes for children are designed for any boy or girl, from the most restless - who need a lot of physical activity -, to the shyest - who want to socialize and overcome fear-.There are many details to consider when teaching a child to dance:

Music all the time

There is no doubt that music has wonderful effects on people, especially in children. We can see this in the number of children's toys that use music as a stimulus and how much fun children - but not parents - have when we give them an instrument. Mixes, rhythms, voices and sounds help create connections and awaken feelings in children, regardless of their age. Hence, the importance of playing music in dance classes for children.

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Kids playing with music instruments

Include instruments as toys

Some instruments can be used in children’s dance classes, such as castanets, which invite the little ones to create rhythms while playing. It’s important to include these instruments as toys at the beginning to create a connection between fun and music lessons.

Avoid nervousness

It is normal for some children to be nervous or hesitant to participate in dance classes. The dance teacher should help children participate by ensuring they don’t feel embarrassed or nervous. The best approach is to let them move freely, feel the music and show them that there’s no need to be embarrassed and that they come to dance classes to have a good time.

Build confidence

Dance classes can be the best way to build self-confidence. Therefore, it is important for children to see the music and dance classes as something positive, a place where they can express themselves without fear nor worrying about doing something right or wrong.

Also, it’s essential to ensure that all children participate, create a team atmosphere and make them understand that it is serious, not just a game. This also teaches them discipline.

Dance groups

When a dance teacher gets to know their students, they understand which dance styles each child likes and excels in. Therefore, after some time, it is interesting for the teacher to create groups not only based on music styles, but also on skill levels, to see which style suits each child best.

kids at dance class

How to prepare a dance class for children

Now that you know some points to consider when teaching dance to children, here’s how to organize dance classes from the first day that kids enter the dance room.

First class: meet the teacher

Starting a new activity can be a bit stressful for boys and girls. That’s why the first classes should be about introducing the dance academy teacher, helping them gain confidence with the teacher. Playing games is always the best way to break the ice and strengthen bonds among everyone.

Warm-up for kids

After a few days dedicated to introductions, it is time to start structuring the classes, and what better way to start than with a 10-minute warm-up for kids. A preliminary warm-up helps the little ones to get in sync with the dance class while warming up their muscles for dancing. The warm-up also helps them listen to the dance teacher, focus on parts of their body, and become aware of movements, which is essential for dancing.

Stages of a dance class for children

Once the class has confidence with the dance teacher and specific movements have been worked on, it’s time to start learning dance sequences and steps. Like everything, dances are learned through repetition and imitation with the goal of creating choreography. The aim is to improve a little each day.

Fun choreographies

Not all classes should be dedicated to learning choreography. We should never forget the importance of fun in dance classes, especially for children. Therefore, it is crucial to do other activities related to dance and music. For example, giving them the freedom to create their own invented choreographies, improvise a piece of music or song, and present it to the rest of the class. This helps children find their own styles and boosts their imagination.

Stretching after dance

The last part of the class should be dedicated to relaxing the body. A dance class should start at a low pace with a warm-up, then have a high part during the class, and end again returning to the calm, so that kids go home relaxed. 

Kydemy for schools

How Kydemy can help you teaching a dance class for kids

Having an online management system for your dance academy will give you enough time for other activities, such as preparing dance classes for children and taking your time to study how to provide the best service to your clients.

Additionally, tracking attendance easily and quickly won’t take up class time.

Kydemy, with its specific software for dance academies, allows you to have smooth and instant communication with the parents of the children attending dance classes without having to use WhatsApp groups. You can send emails to many people, individual messages, and create events. With Kydemy, everything is an advantage.

If you want more information, download our guide to choosing the best software for your school, and if you’re interested, request a demonstration. Now is the time!

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