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Demo and trial period: useful tips to maximize your experience

Pilar Lacoste

Pilar Lacoste

Read time: 4 min

Have you already decided that you need software for your studio or school? Then you must learn how to identify a good product. To do this, you have two key moments: the demo and, if possible, the trial period. Let us show you how!


In an increasingly digital environment and witnessing the evolution of products and services in the market in general, you'll know how important it’s to have software for student registration, ultimately, software for your school.

Besides being recommended for its multiple advantages, it will help you optimize time and resources, better control of your business, and make informed decisions. A management program that aids you on your daily basis operations.

If you're determined to go one step ahead, I'd like to give you some tips to take advantage of the two most important phases, while you’re deciding whether to acquire a student management program for your school: the demo with the supplier and the trial period.

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Once you've found a software for school management that interests you and seems to fit your needs, ideally, you should be able to do a demo with the company's supplier. They will explain the platform's features and benefits to you.

Note that not all companies conduct demos in the same way, and it may not suit your expectations. Therefore, here are some advices for you to be prepare for the meeting:

  • Make a list of the needs you have in your dance studio and look for a feature that could cover them. For example: tracking students attending classes → Is the platform a student management program? Does it allow me to make attendance lists for each class?
  • Prepare questions that englobe all topics that are important to you: warranty and return conditions, technical support, pricing, update periods, data limits, integrations with other platforms, customization possibilities, etc.
  • During the demo, feel free to interrupt and ask whenever you have a question. They will address it immediately, and you won't have any unclear doubts. 
  • Provide examples of problems you currently have in your dance school and ask how they could be solved with the platform. See if they are familiar with your sector and don't give general answers that have nothing to do with you.
  • Observe your interlocutor. It's important to see if there's an interest on their part in understanding your situation. Notice if they ask questions and listen to you. Be wary if they don't let you speak or focus on showing features that have nothing to do with you or that you won't need. They might want you to subscribe to a more expensive plan.
  • By the end of the demo, if the company offers you a trial period, make sure you can count on technical support when you need it.


Let’s suppose that the demo has convinced you, you liked its applications, and you believe it can fit perfectly (or almost) with everything you want to manage in your dance school. If they offer you the possibility to enjoy a trial period, it's time to take advantage of it!

You'll be able to experience firsthand all its features and see how useful it can be with real information. Here are some simple steps to help you make the most of it:

  1. Set up classes, styles, and levels. It's important to check all the options the platform offers for customizing this section to the fullest.
  2. Fees are a very important aspect. Create regular fees or one-time payments, see if it offers several possibilities to configure fees, and check the available payment methods, including online payments.
  3. It's time to create your class schedule. Set the days and times when they're taught. If the platform allows it, you can provide more information about each class: photo, explanatory text about the class or dance style, requirements, etc. It must be intuitive, understandable for both students and teachers.
  4. Enter data from real students. If you take the opportunity to register students you already have and ultimately decide to stick with the platform, it'll be work you already have done. If your school has many students, ask them: can you import them? And, would they help you migrate the information?
  5. Now is the time to place students in their corresponding classes. This way, if the platform allows it, you can test: attendance control, sending internal messages between teachers and students, if you have classes that are in pairs, assigning dance roles, etc.
  6. Once you've configured the most basic but necessary aspects, it's time to have fun testing fearlessly. The key is to do as many tests as you can to check the platform's stability and all its possible functions.

Choosing good management software for your studio or school is really important, with regular updates throughout the year. If a software company releases updates periodically, you ensure that the platform has constant improvements and new features that will allow you to work better.

  1. Create an online class. You can create different test profiles with colleagues or friends and see how the class works. It'll be the best way to check how you'll see your students and how they'll see you.
  2. Send a mass email. If the platform has this section well developed, you can filter the shipments, for example, by classes or fees, and check the status of the emails. Sent, received, read, etc. You can test by sending a welcome email to all the students in the specific class. This way, you can enhance and strengthen communication with your students and keep them up to date with the activities taking place at the school.

These are some of the steps you should take not only to confirm the reliability of the company and the effectiveness of the management software but also to see how much your daily life, student relationships, and overall management could improve if you digitalize your school.

Kydemy wants to help you grow and improve day by day with a unique platform in the market. You'll have all the necessary features to forget about the most tedious tasks and also enjoy applications that will help you adapt to any situation.

If you want more information or request a demo, click here!

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We are here to help you achieve your dreams. If you are interested in learning about our platform we will show it to you with no obligation! Just book a demo with us. During the demo we will analyze your needs and you will be able to solve all your doubts.


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