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8 keys to make your dance studio visible on Internet

Pilar Lacoste

Pilar Lacoste

Read time: 4 min

So, you have found a dance studio but you’re unsure about its image on the Internet? We are becoming increasingly digital, and the world wide web has become the first option for seeking information and recommendations. Therefore, it is essential to be in the digital world and maintain your school's online image just as you take care of the appearance of your studio.


An important part, besides knowing how to set up a dance studio, is its digitalization, which means taking your dance school from the real to the digital world. We will help you with a series of ideas to greatly improve your online presence without making large investments or complicating your life.

Before starting, let’s talk about the key concept: digitalization. 

What is digitalization?

You may have heard about digitalization almost on a daily basis, but what is it really? How can it help you manage your school's training?

Digitalization means adapting and transforming your business with the technology we have at our disposal. In other words, improving and developing commercial strategies, management systems, communication, sales, etc., using technology. It is a mindset change that means opportunity, flexibility, innovation, growth, and personalization. It is about evolving to improve time management by automating tasks or processes. Knowing how to set up a dance school it's also knowing how to digitalize it.

The benefit for you: you can truly focus on your students, know what they like, their needs, aspirations, and offer them the best classes and personalized attention because technology takes care of the rest. Today, training management is better in its online version.

Now you might ask: where do I start?

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The 8 keys to making your studio visible on the Internet

You already know that, today, it’s really important to adapt to constant changes, connect with your students and potential students by the channel they usually use, speak their language, and be present when they interact with your business. Quite a challenge, right?

Don’t worry! We will guide you through these foolproof keys to help you achieve your goals without getting lost along the way.

Accessible information

It may seem obvious, but it is vital to appear on Google Maps and Google MyBusiness with your school's schedule, contact phone, email, photos, and class description. Remember to update it whenever you make any changes. You will give an image of seriousness and trust.

Multiple contact methods

Many people will not go directly to your school to request information. Therefore, it is very important to provide as many contact channels as possible: phone, email, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, contact forms, etc. This way, you adapt to all potential students who are interested in your classes.

Ask for recommendations from your students

There is nothing more effective for convincing a potential student than positive Google reviews from your current students. You already have a close relationship with them, and they will be happy to help you. You can also incentivize them with a small token to remind them to write their recommendation. You will be among the top spots in your city in no time!

Create a website

It is your window to the world, whether you offer online, in-person, or combined classes. Nowadays, you can create a simple website with few resources using programs like Wix, Webnode, Jimdo, Weebly, or Google Sites. These programs have templates that do not require extensive technical knowledge and allow customization with your school's corporate colors and logo. Without spending much money, you could have a personalized website to make yourself known. It will be like setting up your dance studio, but on the Internet.

Updated Social Media

They are an excellent channel to communicate with your current students and attract new ones. But you must follow a defined strategy:

  • Keep them always updated with high-quality images that reflect your studio's personality.
  • Add an emotional touch to your posts and avoid being too advertising or promotional, or you will achieve the opposite effect.
  • Do not forget to also indicate contact details, address, schedules… Many people search for information on Facebook, in addition to Google.
  • Include access to your social media on your website and try to ensure that the contents are shared and connected. If you do not have much time, you can rely on tools that help you manage your training and social media, allowing you to schedule posts to be published whenever you want, have statistics, or even suggest content. There are several with free plans like Hootsuite, Buffer, or Facebook's Business Manager.

Create your own personal brand 

The style and design of your website should be original and aligned with what you want to convey. Always maintain the same style on your website, social media profiles, and mailings. It is highly recommended to have a logo that identifies you. You can create a logo using a template that suits your aesthetic taste or relates to your dance style and then customize it with some very personal detail. 

Incorporate your logo in all material related to the school to link the logo image to your personal brand. If you also create merchandise (t-shirts, bags, sweatshirts…), it is a great way for your students to promote your studio. Knowing how to set up a dance school is a 360º process that covers all aspects, from the physical location to the website.

Publish testimonials on the website 

The best advertising is from satisfied students. You can ask your most loyal students to write a personalized testimonial explaining what they value most about your school. Include a photo of the student to build trust and place it in a strategic part of the website where it reinforces the decision to enroll, for example: on the contact form or in the class descriptions.

The power of videos 

Surely every day, a lot of content is generated in your school that can be useful for promotion, so take advantage of it! Record your best classes or specialized workshops and publish small samples as stories on Instagram and Facebook. You can also upload videos to YouTube or include a welcome video on your website. There is no better way to attract students than by showing them what they could learn with you. Additionally, your own students will be happy to share these posts with their friends.

In short, digitalization allows you to reach more people and manage your time better. Knowing these keys will help you ensure that the image you project on the Internet represents and shows the best of your school.

Additionally, it is important to rely on your team and have a management program or software for studios or schools, that allows you to keep daily control. Choose one that involves all your needs’ solutions and allows you to access it from any device with internet access. Having a mobile app for your students will be a differentiating point in your favor.

If you put these 8 keys into practice and START NOW to define the steps to implement them, you will see how, in a short time, you will gain more students and a greater reputation for your school.

Ready to improve your business?

We are here to help you achieve your dreams. If you are interested in learning about our platform we will show it to you with no obligation! Just book a demo with us. During the demo we will analyze your needs and you will be able to solve all your doubts.


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